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There is no one issue as important as avoiding the complete polarization of District 61. Beth Lear is supporting her beliefs and "God-given rights," not that of the community around her.


Although she may have shifted her campaign literature and strategy to appear more moderate, she is far from it.


Here is what she really supports.


Before shifting strategy


After shifting strategy

Associated Builders and Contractors

Even if she says she dislikes them, Lear is a lobbyist. She is even endorsed by ABC, a group that is anti-union.

Here's what they believe:

  • "We believe MERIT should be the driving force for job selection, evaluation, and awards. We believe PERFORMANCE should be the basis for pay and promotion. We believe INTEGRITY should be the foundation for fair and open competition." (

  • "...has lobbied against improvements in workplace standards and jobsite safety for years while keeping construction workers’ wages depressed.  When its not lobbying against the hiring of veterans on construction sites, the group interferes in local construction decision making processes by filing frivolous lawsuits when its members lose out on bids." (

Relationships Under Construction

An organization that Lear was on the board of, has repeatedly reposted, supported, and follows from her campaign accounts. 

Here's what they believe:

  • "Most of us have a deep longing in the very depths of our beings as humans, to be part of a loving family. It is obvious in children who do not feel they have a complete loving family. They long for a father, a mother, and siblings."

  • "We believe in the joy of sexual intimacy. We treat sexual intimacy with respect, understanding that it is best enjoyed in its perfect time and place within marriage."

  • "RUC teaches the importance of saving sexual activity for marriage. Consequences of sexual activity outside of marriage including STI/STDs, teen pregnancies and emotional bonding can negatively impact future relations. RUC helps teens and parents understand why avoiding these risks is so important."

Paid for by the Ohio House Democratic Caucus

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